
Free Frame Digital Stamp: Digital Frame with Floral Corners

This is the second digital stamp I've created from the antique marriage certificate I posted here. This is a frame digital stamp that surrounded the entire certificate. It is absolutely lovely all on its own.


  1. So glad you like it :-) You're welcome!

  2. Thank you so much, Carolyn, for extracting the frame from that beautiful marriage certificate! Isn't it gorgeous on its own?!

    I was just looking at the frame enlarged, and it struck me, perhaps because of its horizontal orientation, that it would be lovely printed on the front of a blank note card, perhaps with a flourish-y monogram in the center. (Your PNG versions make it so easy to use graphics like this for such purposes!) Thank you.: ) xoxo

  3. That would be wonderful, Pat! And, you're so welcome for stamp :-)
